Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Sydney was hit by a dust storm last night, so i awoke to a very orange world today. My first (and might i add witty thought - i was proud of myself for thinking this at 6.30am) was that Sydney had recieved a really bad spray tan. As it turns out (and now that i am more awake and realise how witty it really isn't), it turns out it was only a dust storm which has now made the whole of Sydney a very orange colour. I took a polaroid of it and was out there for 2 mins and i now smell like dust. Fingers crossed we don't have to go to school today!!
Note: This post related to nothing, i just thought i'd share it with the world :) After all, sharing is caring!

photo credit:


Jade said...

This is crazy, but all the pictures I've seen look beautiful. Like someone's captured a vintage moment.

Thank you so much for kind words again.I'm glad we'll have a reader from Oz :)

We'd definately be up for an Australian correspondent. Let me know any ideas you have. drop us an email at


charlotte lucy said...

wow that looks so amazing and surreal! if i had woken up to that id think i was on the sun or something...its amazing!
